Urdu Name : Rassaut (Root Bark Extract), Darhald (Root), Zarishk (Berries)زرشک شیریں
Arabic Name : Ameerbaarees, Barbarees (Root), Zarashk, Zirishk (Berries)
English Name : Indian Barberry
Hindi Name :Zarishk, Rasaut (Root Bark Extract), Darhald
Berberis aristata DC
Latin name : Berberis aristata
Persian Name : Zarishk ,Filzahrah (Root)
Dosage : Root Bark Extract : 500 mg to 3 g inpowder farm
Root : 3 to 5 g powder
Berries : 1 g powder
warning:Do not use this herb during pregnancy
benefits:It is as valuable as quinine in malarial fevers and as a blood purifier.best for febrifuge,antiperiodic, astringent, deobstruent, diaphoretic, laxative and tonic and is very useful in periodic neuralgia, leucorrhoea, menorrhagia, haemorrhage, haemorrhoids and ulcers. It reduces high blood pressure.
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